Women's Winter Wake-Up 2/21: 5:45 pm to 8, and 2/22: 8:45 am to 11:30 am. Join TVBA women in Fellowship Hall for worship, food, fellowship

Ladies' Fellowship

Meeting fourth Saturdays each month.

Time and Place

The Ladies' Fellowship meets on fourth Saturdays, in Memory Hall. It starts with a potluck brunch at 10am and goes until noon. All UBC ladies are cordially invited!

This community group of women gathers monthly to enjoy brunch, encouraging conversations, prayer, and biblical devotionals with like-minded women in our beautifully renovated Memory Hall. You are encouraged to bring daughters and granddaughters with you! After good food and sweet fellowship, a teaching from Scripture is given (usually by Lorene Cox) on how we can be women who Nurture, Support, and Counsel the men, children, and other women in our lives. Everyone who attends Ladies' Fellowship is encouraged to connect with a D-Group of 3-5 women to spend more time with helping each other live life in Christ.

When: The fourth Saturday of every month at 10am. We are usually done by 11:30am.

Where: Memory Hall at the church (below the Sanctuary).

How: Bring a dish to share at the potluck brunch. Eat and visit at tables of 6, then enjoy an encouraging devotional and discussion.