
See how YOU can get involved at University Baptist Church.

What's happening at University Baptist Church?

No more trying to remember when that party was, when that camp registration was due, or wondering what our service schedule looks like.

You'll find everything you need right here and you can check it out 24/7/365!

So take a look below at what's happening at UBC so you and your family can get involved! At the bottom, you can suggest an event or explore our full calendar of upcoming services and events!

Suggest An Event! (Check to see if already listed, on full calendar below)

Here is where you can let us know of any church-related event we may have missed. Check out the events above, and the full calendar, and then if you cannot find your event listed, please send us an "Event/Bldg Request" via NEXT STEPS (located at the lower right of every page in our website.)

Full Calendar for UBC