Feast of Trumpets w/ a potluck supper (chicken, Challah bread, and salad) Thursday, Oct. 3, Fellowship Hall. Join us at 6:30 pm. Thurs

Young Adult Community

Meets often for fun on Fridays and lunch on Sundays. It includes UAF students, military, & singles.

Looking for other UAF students, soldiers, airmen, or young couples to spend time with? This is the community for you! Friday nights they gather in various locations for boardgames, movie nights, cross country skiing, ultimate frisbee and more; and there is always free food! Eh? Eh? This community group also has free lunch after the worship service nearly every Sunday during the school year. Our young adult minister, Levi, leads this group. Fill out the form below to connect with Levi and be notified of what's going on this week.

When: Every Friday at 7pm for fun and hanging out. Every Sunday at12:15pm (beginning September 17) for a free lunch.

Where: Usually at the University Baptist Church building (1197 University Ave). Sometimes in a different location. Fill out the form below to get notifications.

How: Bring your appetite and have fun with Christian people your age.

Cost: FREE (You're young and broke - we've been there. We love to be generous to Young Adults!).

There is also a Young Adult Bible Study every Tuesday night, in Fellowship Hall at the church (during the school year). Just head downstairs when entering our main double doors! Click the link above to find out more about that.

As mentioned above, there are also Young Adult events most Friday nights during the school year. Give Levi your cell number to get a text with more information on these events as they come up. You can do that by emailing mosaic.fairbanks@gmail.com or contacting Levi with the short form on the staff page of this site.